This episode is about branding. As a credit union you have a mission that’s still as relevant as it has ever been.
But has your brand kept up with you as a growing credit union? Has it evolved alongside you?
Is your brand serving you as hard as you’re serving your members?
In this episode Tara and Holly of Braid Creative are going to help you think about your brand, talk about some updates you know you need to make, share some ways to get your brand shaped up and feeling worthy of your credit union!
This podcast is here to help credit union marketers like you remember how creative you are, how much you love your job (and your credit union!), and get some new creative ideas to try out along the way.
- 1:10 what is a brand?
- 5:38 the difference between branding, marketing, and advertising
- 8:10 why branding is extra important in the financial industry
- 9:05 reasons to do a brand update
- 14:50 a brand that keeps evolving: Disney
- 16:30 The Mandalorian as an authentic spin-off brand
- 22:30 where to start with a brand update
- 26:14 how to get better at using stock photos in your brand
- 30:57 why getting video in your brand is imperative
- 34:48 consistency is key for your brand
- 37:01 who should be involved in a brand update?
- 40:50 how to get the budget to update your brand