We want to talk about media. You don’t have to be on every media platform out there to get your message in front of your audience.
You do, however, need a media plan – so you can be ready and flexible in times of change. Plus, we don’t want you to feel like you’re just winging it or making it up from scratch, every time you have a new campaign. And we don’t want you to dilute your message (or your budget) on any deal or bright new shiny media “opportunity” that comes your way!
So we’re going to share our media philosophies and advice to help you shape up your media plan and feel more confident about what you’re spending and putting out there.
- 1:05 media is putting your message in the right place to target the right audience.
- 5:55 media planning vs. media buying
- 10:12 your media plan should not be driven by good sales people
- 14:10 we explain typical ad agency roles using Mad Men as an example
- 23:50 you know your credit union best – use that knowledge to best plan out your media
- 27:03 brand media vs promotional media
- 31:37 investing in media and leveraging your budget
- 35:00 what’s the difference between reach and frequency?
- 37:36 how to analyze your media plan
- 43:20 sharing your media philosophy within your credit union