Sign up for our Branding for Designers Emails and get the “7 Ways” EBook by Tara & Kathleen,
with scripts, exercises, reminders and inspiration for the designer blending who you are into what you do, as you define your
personal brand, build your creative expertise, and create your dream job.


Designers, we’re talking to you. We are you. Don’t create an unfulfilling day job of your own making. Shape your dream as a designer
and a creative entrepreneur, with a personal brand, a voice to share, and a style that shines through in the work you do!

Tara here, and I want to tell you, we were right where you are. Every one of us on team Braid, Kathleen, Liz and myself all started
out as designers. We still design today – but we also write, blog, podcast, create products, ebooks, ecourses and consult
and coach creatives like you how to develop a personal brand, and use that you-the-person + you-the-professional blend. It is a
powerful combination that gives you confidence sharing all the great stuff you know, that motivates you to create the kind of work
that fulfills you every day, and most of all helps you become known as, and hired as – a creative expert.

We work with designers, artists, photographers, writers, as well as lifestyle coaches like yogis, foodies and stylists. We have
a special love for the designers, because we see you struggling with “the-cobbler-has-no-shoes” syndrome. Kathleen
teases me for using old fashioned phrases like that! But it means you spend so much time designing for other people (too often
on projects you don’t like) that you don’t have the time, or the objectivity to step back and look at your own
brand, your own messages, the ways you are selling yourself, and the ways you are (or aren’t) sharing yourself.

You create at the whim of inspiration, at the risk of rejection, and at the mercy of self-doubt.

But with talent, skill, and heart, you create in spite of it all. You do it because you love design.

And you want to create a working life for yourself you love. If you can get that creative expert blend into your brand, your vision, and
into how you get the job done, then everyone else will see it too.


We meet face-to-face or online over a six week time frame as we consult and coach you through your Brand & Business Vision. We develop a 25-page Vision Guide with your blended and clarified messaging, process and style. Then we create a fully designed and copywritten Brand Platform for you.


The Brand & Business Vision Guide + Full Brand Platform includes brand design and messaging assets like:
– logo with graphic assets, tagline, business card
– positioning copy, brand story & how-to-hire copy
– conversation slides that “sell” you & share your process


Learn more about hiring us, and if we’re a fit. Let us know you’re a designer looking for one-on-one branding and business visioning with Braid and we’ll send you pricing, availability, and more details of what it feels like to work with us, and what you get!

“I felt like I hired team members to get my business branded!”

“As a solo designer, I don’t have another team member to bounce ideas off of. That void made it hard to get a clear perspective on myself, I was trying to solve too many problems, and I needed to step back and take in the whole picture. My lack of branding was the thing holding me back, and I knew for certain I would continue to struggle, until in the end, I just felt like it was an investment in my business.”

“With Braid, I was no longer in a room by myself. They were able boil my ideas down, and see what was bubbling to the surface. The end result is messaging that is 100% on target. On the design side, they really put me into my design in a way that I always had a hard time doing. I was hiding before, trying not to be the center of attention, but now my brand is me. In the end, I feel like I hired myself some team members to get my business branded. So worth it!”

– Marbry Walker, Brand Designer |

See the brand we created for Marbry and other creative entrepreneurs here >

Contact us now to get started >

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© Braid Creative & Consulting, LLC
Branding & Design by Braid Creative
Developed by Corey Winter

607 NW 28th Street, Suite G
Oklahoma City, OK 73103